On March 29th golf courses and other outdoor sports will start to reopen in the UK, 12 weeks after its closing. In the beginning the courses will be open for pre-booked fourballs. Also, only takeaway food and beverages will be allowed. In this first stage the practice facilities may reopen as well and coaching may take place 1-to-1 or in group of maximum six.
Golf will come back in four steps according to the current plan from the UK government, where stage two hopefully will begin the 12th of April. In this stage professional shops can reopen, outdoor social areas may be allowed open, food and drinks can be served outside with the rule of maximum six persons and locker rooms and changing facilities may reopen.
May 17th stage three will begin according to the UK governments plan. Indoor social areas may reopen, the rule of six applies. The outdoor maximum gathering will be 30 and indoor coaching facilities may reopen, with rule of six.
In stage four, currently set for June 21th, it's supposed to be back at some kind of normal as all remaining facilities may reopen and it will be no limits on number of people and no social distancing.

England Golf has produced a ‘Playing the Game’ protocol which is regularly updated to reflect current government guidance. When courses reopen, all clubs and facilities should adhere the provided guidlines. Read the framworks here: https://www.englandgolf.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/A-Framework-for-Playing-Golf-March29.pdf
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