We know it's important to practice to become good at something, but practice can be done in many different ways. In this post we're going to talk a bit about how important your strenght exercising is to improve the golf game and what you can do, easily at home, to build your strength.
With the training opportunities slightly limited these days, it can be difficult to find motivation to keep up the exercising. Here are five strength exercises, that you can do at home to improve your golf game and health. In the end we also give you a strength program.
- Deadbug
Deadbugs are a fantastic exercise for strengthening your core. To be able to effectively transfer power from your lower body to your upper body in the golf swing, you need strength in your midsection. During this exercise, it’s important to keep your lower-back flat against the ground to ensure you’re really using your abs.

2. Pelvic Rotation
When you watch the pros, one of the biggest differences you’ll notice is how well they can separate their hips from their upper body at the start of the downswing.
While doing this exercise, be sure you rotate your hips while keeping your upper body still. Use your golf club for support, stand up straight and rotate your hips. This is an effective way to improve you mobility which is required to create that important separation in the swing.
3. Push-ups
A classic but effective exercise. Push-ups can be extremely beneficial to your overall strength and to the golf swing. Be sure to maintain a neutral spine. Your body should move as one piece with a controlled tempo. To ensure your push-ups are using your full range of motion, your chest and hips should touch the floor on the way down. Strength in your upper body helps with remaining a good posture as well.

4. Squats
This exercise will better your strength in your lower body and in that way also help you build a good posture. Make sure you keep your back as straight as you can and keep your knees just above your toes so that they do not fall "in front" of your toes. If you also want to challenge your stability you can do split squats. The narrow stance will reduce your base of support and test your stability.
5. Back extension
Lay on your stomach and lift your upper body. Keep your feet on the ground at all times and do a light lift with your lumbar spine. Look down and let the neck follow the spine.

Strength training program
Check out this full body program for golfers. Run the program 1-3 turns and repeat a few times a week to see result. A strong body will help you improve your game and better your posture.
Burpees. Make 12 in a row.
Squats. Do 12 reps. Make sure you keep your back as straight as you can and keep your knees just above your toes so that they do not fall "in front" of your toes. That would be unnecessary strain on the knees.
Rotation with weight side to side. Do 10 reps / side. Stand shoulder-width apart with your feet (or slightly wider), just as in your lineup. Keep your legs slightly bent and now rotate the weight side to side with a straight back and straight arms. Remember that the torso is the engine when you rotate. This exercise also helps better your mobility.
Mountain climber. Do a total of 25 reps. Start in a standing plank (hands on the floor) and bring your knees towards the opposite elbow diagonally. Change leg with each lift. Work with the torso.
Back extension. Do 12 reps. Lay on your stomach and lift your upper body. Keep your feet on the ground and do a light lift with your lumbar spine. Look down and let the neck follow the spine.
Deadbug. Keep your lower-back flat against the ground to ensure you’re really using your abs. Do a total of 20 reps.
Push-ups. Do 10 reps.
Repeat the program 1-3 turns.
Happy training!